Quick start with R: Count values within cases (Part 19)

SPSS has the Count Values within Cases option, but R does not have an equivalent function. Here are two functions that you might find helpful, each of which counts values within cases inside a rectangular array. For example, you might have a dataset consisting of…

Quick start with R: Conditional counting (Part 17)

Counting elements in a dataset Combining the length() and which() commands gives a handy method of counting elements that meet particular criteria. b <- c(7, 2, 4, 3, -1, -2, 3, 3, 6, 8, 12, 7, 3) b Let’s count the 3s in the vector…

Quick start with R: Generalised Linear Models (Part 15)

In Part 15, let’s see how to create simple Generalised Linear Models in R. Ordinary Least Squares regression provides linear models of continuous variables. However, much data of interest to statisticians and researchers are not continuous and so other methods must be used to create…