Using Sample Size Calculator application

The following video tutorial gives a brief overview of the Sample Size Calculator application. The Sample Size Calculator is an interactive Shiny application which allows you to calculate sample size when estimating population mean value or population proportion.   [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no”]

Installing R packages

Select CRAN server Click the R desktop icon to start R program. The start screen should look like the following. Click Packages on the main menu and then select Set CRAN mirror from the drop-down list. There are dozens of servers around the world from…

Downloading and installing R

What is R? is a free open source statistical program. It could be used to conduct statistical and econometric analysis both in an interactive mode and batch mode, i.e. using simple statistical programming. R is modularly built where each module (called package) perform a specific…

The first post

This is the first post in My Statistical Consultant Ltd blog. If you need help while working on a doctoral/master thesis and research projects, from the choice of topic, writing the application, methodology, to the presentation of the results obtained, you will find it in…