Quick start with R: Improving our regression model (Part 29)

Last time we created two variables and used the lm() command to perform a least squares regression on them, and diagnosing our regression using the plot() command. Here are the data again. height = c(176, 154, 138, 196, 132, 176, 181, 169, 150, 175) bodymass = c(82, 49, 53, 112,…

Quick start with R: Diagnosing our regression model (Part 28)

Last time we created two variables and used the lm() command to perform a least squares regression on them, treating one of them as the dependent variable and the other as the independent variable. Here they are again. height = c(176, 154, 138, 196, 132, 176, 181, 169, 150, 175)…

Quick start with R: More on regression (Part 27)

In my last blog we created two variables and used the lm() command to perform a least squares regression on them, treating one of them as the dependent variable and the other as the independent variable. Here they are again. height = c(176, 154, 138, 196, 132, 176, 181, 169,…

Quick start with R: Using qplot() function (Part 23)

In Part 23, let’s see how to use qplot to create a simple scatterplot. The qplot (quick plot) system is a subset of the ggplot2 (grammar of graphics) package which you can use to create nice graphs. It is great for creating graphs of categorical data, because you can map…

Quick start with R: Mathematical expressions for graphs (Part 22)

In Blog 22, let’s see how to create mathematical expressions for your graph. Mathematical expressions on graphs are made possible through expression(paste()) and substitute(). If you need mathematical expressions as axis labels, switch off the default axes and include Greek symbols by writing them out in English. You can create…

Rsample (Part 1) – Bootstrap estimate of a confidence interval for a mean

The [su_label]Rsample[/su_label] package contains functions that allow different types of resampling (e.g. cross-validation, bootstrap, etc.). The data structure in which resampling data is stored is a data frame and is very convenient for further work. You can read more about the [su_label]Rsample[/su_label] package on the official package page: https://github.com/tidymodels/rsample. The…

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